With the goal of making the very high quality of
KaWe stethoscopes measureable and visible in addition to already being audible, we have worked closely with the
Ulm University of Applied Sciences over the past two years to develop a unique measurement method that makes it possible to perform frequency testing on all stethoscopes.
The sense of hearing and perceiving sound involves an extremely complex interplay of sound waves, sound pressure, type of sound and frequency.

In addition, the sense of hearing in auscultation is greatly influenced by certain physiological factors such as the skin and other tissues. For this reason, during development, a special emphasis was placed not only on determining purely acoustic values, but above all, on considering the anatomical conditions during auscultation. In addition, the
EN ISO 266 standard has also been applied, which is important for acoustic test procedures.
These highly complex factors were taken into account in the design process in order to enable the most practice-oriented evaluation possible of the acoustic performance of our stethoscopes.
Naturally, the results of this singular measurement method have been
reincorporated into the development and improvement of our stethoscopes. All test certificates can be downloaded below.
All KaWe stethoscopes have been tested using this measuring method.